The Switch Drum Groove Course | Drums lessons for beginners  

Kal Drako The Drumming Vault


This lesson is a very simple one, but not too easy to play.

Very often in functions what happens is that you would go from playing an eighth note pattern on the hat and something very simple on the bass drum two full-blown disco beat 16th notes hand to hand on the hat and four on the floor on the bass drum.

This is something i’ve noticed a lot of my students are having a hard time with, because it’s all good when we are playing eighth notes and then when we do 16th notes hand to hand, time becomes challenging, flow becomes challenging and those unison notes between the bass drum and the snare are flamming.

So it’s something very important to know, you need to have this transition down, you need to be able to go from one beat to the other one flawlessly. And time should be the same, continuity should be the same and flow should not be interrupted so.

I’m gonna do this transition very slowly and then of course build it up.

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